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A World in Chaos

A World in Chaos


Rarely in recent history has there been a time of greater geopolitical risk for the United States that makes ownership of physical gold so critical for investors.

The Middle East is a tinderbox where the war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas threatens to explode into a wider conflict that could lead to a faceoff between the United States and Iran.

Militias backed by Iran have already attacked U.S. bases in Western Iraq and Southern Syria with rockets and drones, resulting in traumatic brain injuries to 19 U.S. troops. In response, the U.S. has conducted airstrikes against weapons storage facilities used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its allied militants in eastern Syria. To deter Iran and its proxies, particularly Hezbollah, from starting a regional war, the U.S. has deployed two aircraft carriers and dozens of fighter jets to the region. Yet Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon continue to fire rockets at northern Israel.

At the same time, the danger of conflict between the U.S. and China is rising. The U.S. has warned China that it will defend the Philippines if the nation is attacked, after Chinese ships blocked and collided with two Filipino vessels in a contested area of the South China Sea. Tensions also remain high over America’s close ties with Taiwan, which China considers its property, having vowed to “unify” Taiwan with the mainland.

Meanwhile, the war drags on between Russia and Ukraine, which is reliant upon the United States and other Western democracies for arms that are making it possible for the Ukrainians to hold off the Russians.

All of these geopolitical conflicts have added to pressure on financial markets, making gold an important safe haven during these troubled times.

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